Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Not Dead Yet!

It's been awhile, but Mama has been busy......in a good, but stressful way. :)

The wardrobe overhaul was interrupted by preparations for our family visit from the UK. I quit my job on the 13th of March and spent the next two weeks scrubbing floors and organizing closets.

It's a good thing I'd already gotten rid of so much or there wouldn't have been any room for our guests :) .....HOWEVER.....because I got rid of darned near *all my old clothes* and did not have a chance to sew, I feel like I have been wearing the *same three outfits* over and over since February.

Now that the wee bairns are no longer sleeping in my sewing room, I am spending the next couple hours putting it back together so I can get some things put together this weekend......I hope.

As I said, life has been BUSY. I got cast in a show (hurrah hooroh hurreee) and have lines to memorize, I am in the midst of a nutritional overhaul (no shite sugar, flour, or processed foods for the next three weeks----you know, that was supposed to say "white" sugar, but I think I'll leave the Freudian typo) and doing some very interesting cognitive work with a kick-ass psychologist (speaking of Freud....).

Also....the highschool production opens late next week, so I am helping the kids this week with their makeup application, and I am sure I will be there before a few of the performances lending a hand and support.

Sooooo....sewing may have to wait a few. But we'll see. I've been known to sneak in a few stitches. ;)

1 comment:

Packrat said...

Glad to hear from you. Sounds like you're very busy. Have fun with the performances. Hope you enjoyed your company.